May 1, 2012


Today we are going to proceed the donation to Invisible Children!! Thank you all for your participation, everyday is more meaningful with your join.

今天我們要來一起進行捐款給"看不見的孩子"!! 在這裡非常感謝一起參與和分享故事的每位朋友,因為你們的加入,每一天都更別具意義! 以下是今天捐款的過程和收據。感謝你們定期收看或購買或分享,因為有你,世界更溫暖!我們才有能力持續執行365手公益計劃,由衷感謝!:D

1. 台幣換算成美金 (本月共募得捐款金額:NTD2575元約88美元) Change NTD2575 to USD88

2.進入官網捐款頁面輸入捐款88美元  Enter donation USD$88  pay by PAYPAL 
3. 系統自動轉入PAYPAL付款頁面,按下"支付"就即將完成本月捐款囉!! 
4. 鏘鏘!謝謝大家!! 同心協力完成本月"看不見的孩子"美金$88 元捐款!   We just finished the donation all together!
5. 這是寄到信箱的收據 You can also see the donation-receipt here
Thank you so much!

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to


international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization

Don't know what's going on here? Please read About.

如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY