May 11, 2012

Day 96 - Floral Charcoal Ring

[手工磨製花朵備長炭戒指]使用的是具有調節濕氣、放射遠紅外線,促進血液循環與新陳代謝、除臭、阻隔電磁波等功能的備長炭。 (限量 1 個 )
This day belongs to  Ting Kan Lin  .

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to 


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如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to


international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization

Don't know what's going on here? Please read About.

如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY