Jun 4, 2013

May donation::Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS)::USD$38.5

Thank you all so much for participating the 365 craftXCHARITY project. This May so far we raised  USD$38.5 for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS)
international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Below are pics of today's transaction. Thank you. Mahalo.
因為前幾個月剛搬到夏威夷,很多人事物還在適應。手邊沒工具也沒人脈,生活剛起步一切重零開始...所以...久違了365計畫...謝謝大家的耐心等待。非常感謝共同參與365 craft x CHARITY的每一個人!!
截至今日我們共為國際海洋生物保育組織籌得USD$38.5元,以下獻上今天捐款的過程與收據。感謝你們定期收看購買及分享,因為有你,我們才有能力持續執行365手公益計劃,讓世界更溫暖!由衷感謝♥ ♥ ♥ 

 Thank you so much!

May 31, 2013

Day 136 - The Druzy Geode Agate Necklace

This day belongs to Caz.

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to the cause of the month.

Want to participate or know more? Please read About.
如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY

May 23, 2013

Day 138 - Gorgeous Chohua Jasper Necklace

material: Chohua Jasper, brass / 材質:天然草花石,黃銅

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to the cause of the month.

Want to participate & know more? Please read About.
如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY

May 21, 2013

Day 137 - Pearl Going For Gold Bracelet

Material: Baroque pearl/ Brass/ Gold plated chain


Day 137 - Pearl Going For Gold Bracelet

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to the cause of the month.

Want to participate & know more? Please read About.
如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY

May 15, 2013

Day 136 - Studded Leather iPhone Case

 Minimal Leather iPhone case (only 1 available)
for [ iPone 4/ iPhone 4S]

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to the cause of the month.

Want to participate & know more? Please read About.
如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY

May 14, 2013

Day 135 - The Summer Arm Candy

第135天手公益-夏季水晶糖友誼編織手鍊 (兩條一組)

Day 135 - The Summer Arm Candy (You will receive 2 exact bracelets shown in photos)
This day belongs to Chihiro & Natsuko.
"It's super cute!! Thanks Fyn." "Mahalo. Arigato~"

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to the cause of the month.

Want to participate or know more? Please read About.
如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY

May 9, 2013

Day 134 - Andria- Black Lace Earrings


Day 134 - Andria- Black Lace Earrings

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to the cause of the month.

Don't know what's going on here? Please read About.
如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY

May 8, 2013

The cause of May

Rutger Hauer and Sil van der Woerd Create Film as Gift for Sea Shepherd

Requiem 2019- a short film denouncing whaling
Dutch actor and Sea Shepherd board member Rutger Hauer and filmmaker Sil van der Woerd have joined forces to create a moving short film denouncing whaling. The film, Requiem 2019, premiered during the Playgrounds Audiovisual Arts Festival in Amsterdam on November 20, 2012 and debuts online today. Requiem 2019 is a unique co-production between Rutger Hauer and the sculptor/filmmaker Sil van der Woerd. Through a blend of fiction, animation, and music the film chronicles the last whale on earth coming face-to-face with the source of its destruction- man, in the shape of actor Rutger Hauer. (via Sea Shepherd)

Rutger Hauer 和 Sil van der Woerd 送給 Sea Shepherd的禮物

荷蘭演員兼海洋守護者協會董事會成員Rutger Hauer和電影製片人Sil van der Woerd 聯手打造一部譴責捕鯨的短片- 安魂曲 2019,11月20日在阿姆斯特丹藝術節播映,2012年在網上首度亮相。 「安魂曲2019」來自獨特的藝術領域結合。Rutger Hauer和雕塑家/電影製片人Sil van der Woerd的合作產生。透過科幻動畫和音樂的交融記敘了未來地球上最後的一隻鯨魚和其毀滅者-人類(由演員魯特格爾哈爾飾)的面對面接觸。(via Sea Shepherd, Fyn 翻譯)

Jan 3, 2013

Dec donation::Old five old foundation::NTD$1550

新年到來,意味神聖的捐款時刻到來!非常感謝共同參與365 craft x CHARITY的每一個人!!
截至今日我們共為財團法人老五老基金會-第七屆 幸福年菜 擁抱獨老 籌得NTD$1550元,以下是今天獻上捐款的過程與收據。感謝你們定期收看或購買或分享,因為有你,世界更溫暖!我們才有能力持續執行365手公益計劃,由衷感謝♥