Apr 4, 2012

It's a Giveaway !!

第一次粉絲抽獎幸運得主是…#26 陳彥蓁!!
恭喜恭喜#26 陳彥蓁! 已經寄EMAIL通知您了~請您回信提供寄件地址和聯絡電話,我們將會把攀岩繩手鍊郵寄給您。(如果我們在4/15前沒有接到回應,將會另外抽出幸運兒)
November giveaway winner is ... #26 陳彥蓁!
Congrats! Please email your mailing address to azisda@gmail.com to receive the CLIMBING ROPE BRACELET.
(If we don't hear from #26 陳彥蓁 by 4/15, we will select another winner!)

感謝大家對 365 craft X CHARITY 厚愛,即日起參加活動至4月3日止,即可得到個性十足的攀岩繩手鍊乙個!! 直接在遊戲方框內跟隨指示 1. 加入 365 craft X CHARITY FB粉絲 2. Like 此篇文章就有機會贏得[第15天手公益]攀岩繩手鍊(藍) Thank you for supporting 365 craft x CHARITY!! This is our first giveaway. So exciting :)  How to win the DAY15 Climbing Rope Bracelet  ? Simply follow the instruction below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway