感謝大家的支持,這是每個人貢獻一點點愛心累積起來的成果,很開心越來越多人響應這個活動,這份愛將會回饋到每個你愛的人與愛你的人身上 :)
Thank you all, everyone who ever supports [ 365 craft X CHARITY]. Today we have the ability to help people, this love will pass on to people who we love and people who loves us. Thank you.
讓12月的捐款高達 NTD$ 2505
"About desire of bodyline, do not ashamed of your desires. We are healthy human being.
我很欣賞他們的想像力創造力和實踐能力 (都SOLD OUT 了~多搶手啊~連黃子佼都搶著收藏呢)