Nov 5, 2011

Day 5 - Square braid bracelet

This day belongs to 小喬.

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to 

Yesterday we all went to watch 《Dream Creature》Path to the Dreamland, which was performed by 4 Cirque Du Soleil members and one blind pianist. No fancy stage set or crazy costumes... but the audience was so close to the performers that we could see their expressions and every slightest movement. My sister and I were so touched that we nearly burst into tears...the artists on stage were so focused, creating beautiful body lines... I will never forget that night.  :)

喜歡邀請你一同和我響應"買工藝做公益" "日行一善也可以很時尚"
如有任何意見、指教、問題~歡迎留言或寫信給我喔 !