Nov 20, 2011

Day 20 - Pocahontas Feather Headband

This day belongs to Chanel Huang.

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這周末最興奮的事情莫過於和我們的Model :Elaine 拍攝一系列的髮飾照片。 都是我們的第一次,我從來沒有真正為模特兒和產品拍過照,指導他們動作,趕早上九點前溫和的美麗光線等,很多事情都還要學習呢! 時尚雜誌拍那些照片真的很不容易,我們一翻頁就過去,殊不知每一張都是從幾十張照片、幾十個小時工作時數才萬中選一....

非常感謝敬業的Elaine當天帶了很多衣服和鞋子到美術館一起玩戶外拍照:) 辛苦她了~!!

PS.Elaine 是南非人,輪廓深邃,眼睛很大身材高挑的女生



The most exciting thing this weekend was taking photos with Elaine :) 

Thanks to her, we have beautiful photos to show you on the blog. She is a very inspiring model, always give me great ideas. It's the first time for both of us. There is still lots to learn. Beautiful sunlight around 8~9 AM is the best lighting, but disappears so fast. Working with natural light isn't easy. And posing is surely a big subject to study. Well, I'm very glad some photos came out nice ! Elaine is such a beautiful girl :) Lucky me.

Thank you ! Elaine :)